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About YALC

Yew Chung Arts and Language Centre (YALC) firmly believes every student is smart in their own way - every child possesses their potential and strengths. Our mission is to create “an education that takes individual differences seriously and, insofar as possible, crafts practices that serve different kinds of minds equally well. We highly value excellent teaching staff and curriculum design to provide students with a high-quality and enjoyable learning environment, nurturing and discovering your child’s talents.

Unlike other education centres, we not only focus on learning outcomes but also prioritise the learning process. Through meticulously designed courses, YALC actively cultivates the eight criteria of “multiple intelligences” (based on the theory by Howard Gardner, a psychologist from Harvard University). This enables children to genuinely enjoy learning, develop creativity, take responsibility, and acquire essential skills in handling interpersonal relationships.

YALC programmes that follow are categorised into communication through languages, through the arts, through interpersonal activities, and computation, logical reasoning, categorisation, etc.

耀中語藝教育中心 (YALC) 深信每位小朋友都有自己的潛能和優勢。我們的使命是創造各類型「尊重個別差異,發展不同潛能」的教育課程。我們非常重視優秀的師資和課程設計,為學生提供高品質且愉快的學習環境,培養並發掘你孩子的天賦。

與坊間其他教育中心不同,我們並非只強調學習成果,而是更重視學習的過程。YALC 通過精心設計的課程,積極培養孩子們「多元智能」中的八大領域 (來自美國哈佛大學心理學家霍華德・加德納的理論),讓孩子們能夠真正享受學習、發展創意、承擔責任,並學會處理人際關係等重要技能。

根據上述理念,YALC 提供語言表達交流、藝術表達交流、人際關係交流、運算、推理邏輯及分類歸納等不同類別的課程。

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YALC Annual Show 2017 463
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Class Venue 上課地點: 3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong 九龍塘多福道3號
Enquiry 查詢: 2337 0369

WhatsApp: 9428 8265

WeChat: yalchk

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